Tiny teddy bear birthday greeting card
May your birthday be great to your soul, just like classic rock! Happy Birthday!
You know just how to make a birthday outfit look even better! Happy Birthday, Ms. Fashion!
Your life is super busy. Happy Birthday and wishes for a new year of success!
Birthday wishes for a day of happiness and a year of bliss!
Great friends and great fun…may they all be yours on your birthday!

Wishing you every happiness on your special day…
Wishing you a memorable day and an adventurous year, Happy Birthday!
May your birthday be the start of a year filled with good luck, good health, and much happiness.
Hope your special day brings you all that your heart desires! Here’s wishing you a day full of pleasant surprises. Happy Birthday!

Peace, love, and hair grease. That’s been the universal message for Happy Birthday since the 70’s dude!
You make having a bunch of birthdays look great!
You know it’s a celebration when the First Lady of Fun wants in! Happy Birthday!
How about some happy, happy to go with that birthday? You deserve it!
It’s ok. It’s ok. It’s ok. It’s ok. I’m getting older. I’m getting older. I’m getting older. Trying to convince myself that everything will be alright. Happy Birthday!
Wish, wish, wish on a fish! I guess they work the same as stars. Time will tell! Happy Birthday!
Do a lot of new stuff. Try not to get into any trouble. It’s your birthday…enjoy!

Did you know women get smarter and more fabulous with age? Happy birthday!
The secret to staying young is make-up—make-up an age, then stick with it.
Is it hot in here? Must be all the candles on your birthday cake.
I can only hope to be as great a woman as you one day. But, obviously with better clothes. Happy birthday!
Strike up the band! It’s your birthday! Happy Day To YOU!